Comparison of antioxidant capacities of CTC tea and green tea | Dalmia Gold

Both CTC tea and green tea have a wide base of consumers or admirers for their enriching flavor, taste, and benefits. But when it comes to benefits, green tea undisputedly tops the list for its profound health benefits to becoming the favorite health drink of fitness lovers and health-conscious masses.
While the daily energy booster CTC tea is preferably the most controversial tea type on the list to have high caffeine content and low to no health benefits, making it an unhealthy drink. But, no one can deny the variations one can make by brewing supreme quality CTC tea with milk, or spices to refresh their dynamic taste buds and moods.
Among all the tea types available in the market, green tea represents thriving health of its distinct composition of potent plant compounds and antioxidants that are vital for human health and boosting immunity. Because of its high antioxidant content, green tea is considered the holy grail for retaining lasting youth by reducing free radicals, making it everyone’s favorite drink to sip anytime as a health shot.
But, the million-dollar question is CTC tea deprived of antioxidants and unhealthy?
The beneficiary factor of both tea types totally depends on their production and processing which determine the various grades of tea available in the market. As the name suggests CTC (curl, tear and crush) is a rigorous tea leaves processing method that involves three-step rolling and oxidation of the leaves to bring that distinct brown color and enriching aroma.
However, this extensive process also oxidizes some of the potent plant compounds and antioxidants, leaving a minimal level of antioxidants but enriching taste and aroma.
So green tea is definitely the most antioxidants rich beverage but can vary according to the different types available. Yes, while the market is brimming with a pack of commercial green tea laced with additives and artificial color, only a few premium brands like Dalmia Gold offer the finest quality processed from the orthodox long leaves of the tea estates of Assam, Dooars and Darjeeling.
When it comes to assessing the antioxidant content in green tea, it varies according to the different grades of green tea like Sencha, Matcha, Gyokuro, or the readily available green tea pack in the market. It all depends on the way the leaves are grown and harvested which gives different names to the different types.
As most green tea goes through a delicate process of harvesting and involves manual intervention more goes through minimal oxidation and is hence packed with all the goodness and antioxidants. Because of low oxidation, the tea is a powerhouse of several potent plant compounds like total phenol, flavonoids, and catechins. According to experts and tea connoisseurs, one gram of green tea contains around 127 milligrams of antioxidants compared to the same amount of CTC tea.
But that doesn’t make it any way lesser in offering health benefits as it has other benefits as well besides its flavorsome aroma and rich taste. Moderate consumption of CTC tea can be extremely beneficial for your cardiac health, shedding inches, besides keeping you awake and brimming with ideas when needed.
Want to reap the best benefits of green tea and CTC tea? Head to Dalmia Gold now to derive the best of both finest quality tea types at reasonable price ranges.