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Six Interesting Tea-Processing Techniques for a Refreshing Brew | Dalmia Gold

Six Interesting Tea-Processing Techniques for a Refreshing Brew | Dalmia Gold

Tea manufacturing is the sum total of a long and challenging procedure. A few steps are specially added to produce an exclusive variety of tea. An advanced tea manufacturing company follows a climate-control facility to avoid any spoilage caused by excess moisture and frequently changing temperature.

Here we discuss some of the important tea-processing techniques used to manufacturing refreshing tea:


This process is used to reduce the moisture from the fresh leaves, compounding the flavor of the leaves. This process usually takes place indoors, but it can take place outdoors as well. This procedure controls the moisture in the leaves and reduces it below 30% for ease of rolling.


Fixing is also known as the ‘kill green’ process, this stage allows the enzymatic browning of the leaves through the slow application of heat. The tea experts reveal that the longer it takes to finish the process, the more aromatic tea it produces.


The oxidation of the tea results in the browning of the leaves and enhancing the flavor in tea compounds. This process helps the cells of the tea leaves to undergo chemical change easily after they get in touch with oxygen and other volatile compounds.


Rolling is the second last procedure where the leaves are gently rolled. The rolling depends on the shape and texture of the wilted leaves. The leaves can be shaped in any form to make them look kneaded, wiry or as tightly rolled pellets.


Drying is an important process, and it takes place in various stages of tea production. Drying enhances the flavors of the tea and provides it long shelf life. It also cuts down the moisture of the tea leaves by less than 1 %.


Aging and fermentation of tea is often an optional process, it makes the tea more palatable. Some of the selective grades of tea are fermented or aged for years like wine to enhance its flavor.

An advanced tea-manufacturing company like Dalmia Gold makes sure to use the best tea-processing techniques to meet the growing demand. They are popular in Eastern India and hold a reputation for manufacturing refined quality tea for teahouses and distributors across the country. They have varieties in flavor and texture; you can find an amazing selection of Dalmia Gold tea at affordable prices.

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